Sunday, August 27, 2006

So Much To Do, So.......Much to do.

We are only 4 days away from closing on the new house and things are looking good. So on top of that and working 65+ hrs a week, Holly has taken up a part time job. Nice thing is she doesn't go to work for this job she gets to stay home (home data entry). All those rebate forms you send in for $2, $3 or more from Lowe's, Verizon etc., end up in Young America, MN which inevitably sends them to Stacy, MN for processing. This is where Holly comes in. 2 or 3 times a week she picks up 200 to 400 pre-opened letters and enters all the data from within into a data program. Pretty simply, but holy long hours. She is putting about 20/hrs week into that so we can get the things we need in the new house. I love my wife and I surely do not know where she gets the juice to go. I and Riley help her by taking the letters out for her or in my case putting the letters back into the envelope after she is done. This speeds up the process, but it still is very tedious. In the end, we will figure out a process that works so we can be more efficient.

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