Monday, November 06, 2006

What a week!!!!

Aaron's Blog says it all I'm sure, I haven't yet read his since the whole incident with Sebby. We are so lucky that he wasn't hurt worse. Thank You God! But since that we have had a bit of excitement here in Pine City as well. Aidan took a trip into the cedar chest with his forehead. I was going to post a picture but Holly took the media card to work. So I soon as a can I will. He gashed his head from just above his right eyebrow down through his eyebrow to just under it. We were lucky that the meat that ended up on the cedar chest was from under his eyebrow, otherwise he would have a big ugly scar as well as a brow that wouldn't line up on the right eye.
Besides that excitement I have work 7 days in a row and should have worked today, but woke with stomach pains I haven't felt in a long time. I am feeling better now after 3 Immodium's and some time in the restroom. I have to be well for tomorrow, because I am a volunteer for Rotary to man a Kid's Vote booth at a polling place. Great program that the school has to get kids interested in voting at a young age.
Be sure to get out and vote tomorrow.

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