Monday, March 26, 2007

Little Boys and Their Bottoms

So everyday day it is the same thing with little boys... "Don't play with your pee pee. Get your hands out of there. Get your hands out of your pants. Quit grabbing your butt." Well my son is no different. Put him to bed last night, and after an hour and a half of going in there and telling him to lay down and be quiet, I walked in at 10 to this picture. What a doll.

The child is dead asleep with his hand digging for gold. You all know how it is, we've all got boys. A never ending story.


cherity said...

Is that Riley or Aidan?

Did you get my message about the bike?

Glad you are able to keep up with the blog a little more. It is fun to hear/see what is going on up nort'.

Ryan said...

This was Aidan. isn't he getting big.